Skin Care

Shop Best Essential Oils For Skin In USA

Revive and replenish your skin naturally with the best essential oils for skin and body care, prepared solely with the finest organic raw materials. Exfoliate and tone your skin and make it look brighter and more youthful with our potent herbal concentrates, which are rich in aromatherapy and general wellness applications.

✅ Nourishes and exfoliates skin

✅ Natural astringent and toner

✅ Reduces oily breakouts


  • Also called the ‘Queen of Herbs’, the basil plant is known for its medicinal as well as culinary uses. Made from USDA certified essential oils, the N8 Essentials Sweet Basil Essential Oil not only has a sweet and herbaceous fragrance but is also effective in reducing muscle pains, ensuring better sleep, moisturizing skin, and a lot more. ✅100% Organic And Natural Basil Oil ✅Best For Skin Care ✅Effective Deodorizer
  • Please note: We have relocated and are working on certifying our new facility.  This product does not have the certified organic seal on it, but it is the exact same product we sold as certified organic previously. We are offering it at a reduced price until we complete certification of the new facility. Dive into the reviving freshness of Peppermint, made with the best quality essential oils for fragrance and health benefits. Organic peppermint oil has a sweet and minty scent with a cooling after-effect. It soothes muscle cramps and stiffness in the joints. It also promotes healthy skin and hair and can also act as a potent insect repellant. ✅ Natural pain reliever ✅ Skin and hair care ✅ Insect repellant
  • Immerse yourself in the refreshing and tangy aroma of lime, prepared with the best essential oils entirely from plant-based elements. Lime oil is rich in a wide variety of health and wellness benefits and promotes healthy skin and hair. ✅ Contains Vitamin C and Limonene ✅ Boosts Immunity ✅ Skin and hair care benefits
  • Step into the zesty and reviving goodness of Lemon, prepared with the best quality essential oils handpicked from all-natural ingredients. Lemon oil has a fruity and invigorating fragrance and is a natural cleanser and disinfectant. It has a broad spectrum of health and wellness benefits and other applications. ✅ Rich in Vitamin C ✅ Supports digestion and immunity ✅ Skin and hair care
  • Immerse yourself in the sweet and replenishing aura of Lavender, formulated with all-natural essential fragrance oils. Lavender oil has a floral, herbaceous, and woody aroma that soothes stress, anxiety, and seasonal depression, promoting relaxation and mental clarity. ✅ USDA Certified ✅ Anxiety and stress relief ✅ Supports skin health
  • Infuse new life into your surroundings with the herbal and fruity essence of Juniper, prepared with the best quality essential oils. Extracted from the juniper berry, this oil has a wide range of applications in aromatherapy, skincare, disinfecting, and cleaning purposes. ✅ USDA Certified ✅ Skincare Benefits ✅ Natural Antiseptic
  • Step into the spicy, woody, and energizing aura of ginger, prepared from all natural organic essential oils. The ultimate multi-tasker when it comes to wellness gains, ginger oil is helpful for better digestion, treating nausea, boosting immunity, promoting healthier skin and hair, and a lot more. ✅ USDA certified ✅ Aids digestion ✅ Natural skin and hair care
  • Start your day with the right vibe and stay charged all the time with our N8 Essentials Energize Certified Organic Essential Oil Blend. This delightful citrus fusion can be your go-to for a natural energy boost whenever you need extra focus or are facing a tough day. ✅USDA Certified Essential Oils ✅Best for Aromatherapy ✅Boosts Energy
  • Bring home this magical remedy to add to your skincare routine and combat skin problems like rashes, inflammation, etc. Our Clary Sage essential oil is made with certified organic essential oils and has excellent skin-nourishing properties. ✅ Promise of Purity ✅ Supports Skin Health ✅ Sweet and Fresh Fragrance
  • Unlock the grounding and soothing aroma of cedarwood made from the best essential oils for fragrance. Derived from the bark of the cedarwood tree, this essential oil is sought after for its purifying and calming properties. Try out this 15 ml bottle and experience the freshness of nature on the go. ✅ High Quality Organic Essential Oils ✅ Promotes Healthy Skin ✅ Ideal For Stress Relief
  • The Bergamot Essential oil is 100% pure, natural, and certified organic essential oil obtained from the zest of the fresh bergamot fruit. Its citrus and fresh aroma make it suitable for use in aromatherapy to reduce stress and promote relaxation. ✅ USDA Certified Essential Oil ✅ Better Wellness ✅ Improves Skin Health

Our Skin Care Oil Range

N8 Essentials is your go-to destination for essential oils and blends, made with totally plant-based raw materials like leaves, stems, roots, and flowers. Our exquisite lineup consists of the best essential oils for body and skin care and that strikes a perfect combination between aromatherapy and skin care.

Our most popular essential oils for skin care include cedarwood, ginger, bergamot, juniper, peppermint, lavender, lemon, basil, and lime. Each recognizable by its unique fragrance, these oils also fill spaces with refreshing aromas along with nourishing and promoting skin health.

These organic essential oils help moisturize, tone, and brighten your skin, making it look younger. They reduce the appearance of wrinkles, stimulate collagen production, and heal the skin’s capacity to prevent oily breakouts.

How We Make Them

Our main objective at N8 Essentials is to furnish you with USDA-certified organic essential oils, prepared from all-natural sources and meeting the highest standards of quality and purity. We follow sustainable and eco-friendly cultivation and extraction practices that adhere to the latest regulations and guidelines. This range of oils not only nourishes and tones your skin but also infuses spaces with fresh and uplifting aromas.

Sourcing the finest ingredients – We carefully choose the highest quality organic raw materials and plant sources such as leaves, stems, flowers, and roots from select plantations in the USA and neighboring countries.

Top-notch Extraction Tech – The plant sources are then fed into our state-of-the-art extraction units where we use processes like cold pressing and steam distillation to filter out their oil-rich compounds.

Repeated Quality Checking – After extraction, each batch of essential oils is tested thoroughly for purity and quality. We ensure that only the finest quality products are delivered to you and your loved ones.

Why Choose N8 Essentials

  • Made with the best essential oils for skin care in the USA such as cedarwood, bergamot, clary sage, juniper, ginger, peppermint, lavender, and lime.
  • A wide range of unique fragrances like sweet, floral, zesty, minty, woody, and earthy scents offer various aromatherapy and wellness benefits
  • Have natural antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antifungal characteristics
  • Acts as an astringent and skin toner
  • Reduces skin wrinkling, dark spots, and sun damage
  • Has emollient properties and helps moisturize and soften your skin
  • Promotes skin health and reduces oily breakouts and acne
  • Facilitates collagen production and promotes cell rejuvenation
  • No added preservatives or harmful chemicals such as DEET and picaridin
  • Dries quickly, non-greasy, and easy to apply
  • Can be used topically, in diffusers, in bathwater, and body and skin care products
  • Perfect to mix in DIY wellness products, cleaners, and sanitizers

How to Use Them

Facial – Dilute the essential oils of your choice with suitable carrier oil bases such as jojoba, olive, or fractionated coconut oil (FCO), and apply to your face with your fingertips or a cotton pad. Massage gently to your skin in slow circles to reduce wrinkles and dark spots.

Anti-inflammatory – Add a few drops to your moisturizer or FCO and apply topically to reduce swellings and inflammations, boost hydration, and tone your skin naturally.

Face Masks – Use them in DIY face masks to induce a nourishing and exfoliating influence on the skin along with a cooling after-effect.

Diffuser – Diffuse our skin care essential oils in your room to create a luxurious, relaxing, and spa-like atmosphere and enhance your daily skincare routine. Use them in our best diffusers for essential oils to get the best results. You can also use them in bathing liquids, DIY soaps, candles, and so on.

Points to Remember While Using 

All N8 Essential Products are to be used only as instructed on the label. Please ensure the following factors as well before using essential oils.

  • Do not take essential oils orally. For external use only.
  • Keep the bottles, diffusers, and other accessories out of the reach of children.
  • Do not diffuse essential oils in congested and poorly ventilated spaces. Make sure that you keep children and pets away from the direct line of mist.
  • In case you are pregnant, nursing, or under medical treatment, take your physician’s advice before using essential oils.
  • Do a patch test before extensive use. Apply a few drops after diluting to a small patch of your skin and check for allergies and irritation.

Before you buy essential oils for skin and body care online, take a look at some of the common doubts and queries customers often face.


Which essential oils are good for the skin?

The best essential oils for body and skin care include frankincense, pomegranate, lavender, sweet basil, lime, lemon, peppermint, juniper, ginger, clary sage, and bergamot. You can also try our Energize Certified Organic Essential Oil Blend for reviving and uplifting fragrances along with a wide variety of health advantages.

Which essential oils make your skin glow?

Some of the popular essential oils that naturally tone and brighten your skin making it look younger include rose, frankincense, lavender, bergamot, and sweet basil.

Can I put 100% pure essential oil directly on my skin?

Dilute our all-natural and pure essential oils with a suitable carrier oil such as jojoba, coconut, or sweet almond, and then apply them topically to your skin to enjoy their nourishing and healing benefits.

Which essential oil is best for the face?

The most potent essential oils for facial and skin care applications include tea tree, jojoba, coconut, rose, lavender, and marula.

How many essential oils can be mixed together for skin and body care purposes?

There is no hard and fast number or limit to how many essential oils you can combine for skin and body care use. Check the exact applications and benefits of each skin care oil and then mix them in desired proportions according to your needs. Make sure that you always dilute essential oils with carrier oils before applying them to your body.


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