
Fragrance Essential Oils

Buy High Quality Fragrance Essential Oils In USA

Your Ultimate Place To Shop Essential Oil Fragrances Online

Infuse any space with an ambiance where nature’s finest aromas come to life through our premium collection of the best essential oils for fragrances that transform your surroundings. Experience the art of aromatherapy and enliven your senses with our lineup of organic fragrance oils, where quality meets purity.

  • Also called the ‘Queen of Herbs’, the basil plant is known for its medicinal as well as culinary uses. Made from USDA certified essential oils, the N8 Essentials Sweet Basil Essential Oil not only has a sweet and herbaceous fragrance but is also effective in reducing muscle pains, ensuring better sleep, moisturizing skin, and a lot more. ✅100% Organic And Natural Basil Oil ✅Best For Skin Care ✅Effective Deodorizer
  • The Bergamot Essential oil is 100% pure, natural, and certified organic essential oil obtained from the zest of the fresh bergamot fruit. Its citrus and fresh aroma make it suitable for use in aromatherapy to reduce stress and promote relaxation. ✅ USDA Certified Essential Oil ✅ Better Wellness ✅ Improves Skin Health
  • The Breathe Easy Essential oil blend is a 100% natural and potent formula for clear breathing and respiratory aid. With a lot of medicinal properties, this best essential oil blend can help you improve your immune system by protecting you from a blocked nose, easing sinus headaches, and alleviating cold & cough symptoms. ✅ 100% Pure & Organic ✅ Easily Absorbable ✅ Respiratory Aid
  • Unlock the grounding and soothing aroma of cedarwood made from the best essential oils for fragrance. Derived from the bark of the cedarwood tree, this essential oil is sought after for its purifying and calming properties. Try out this 15 ml bottle and experience the freshness of nature on the go. ✅ High Quality Organic Essential Oils ✅ Promotes Healthy Skin ✅ Ideal For Stress Relief
  • Bring home this magical remedy to add to your skincare routine and combat skin problems like rashes, inflammation, etc. Our Clary Sage essential oil is made with certified organic essential oils and has excellent skin-nourishing properties. ✅ Promise of Purity ✅ Supports Skin Health ✅ Sweet and Fresh Fragrance
  • Experience the strong and spicy scent of our Clove organic essential oil which is extracted from the clove buds and is rich in healing properties. Try this oil to improve your oral health, and skin health, and get relief from back pain and achy muscles. ✅ USDA Certified Organic Essential Oil ✅ Powerful Antioxidant ✅ Premium Quality Clove Oil
  • Dive into Mother Nature's herbaceous and spicy freshness with our Cypress essential fragrance oil. Extracted from the best quality cypress trees, this oil is known for its antimicrobial and relaxing properties. It is also effective in promoting healthy respiration and for treating skin irritations. ✅ 100% USDA certified ✅ Antibacterial properties ✅ Promotes skin health
  • Enhance your well-being and stay in the pink of your health with N8 Essentials extraordinary Digest Certified organic essential oil blend. If your digestive system is giving you discomfort and uneasiness, try our skillfully formulated therapeutic essential oil blend. It is an excellent solution for digestive issues, bloating, upset stomach, etc. ✅USDA Certified Essential Oil ✅Digestive Aid ✅Easy to Use
  • Discover the crisp and revitalizing goodness of Eucalyptus Riadata, made from the best essential oils in the USA. Extracted from the leaves of the Eucalyptus Riadata tree, this oil has a fruity and slightly woody fragrance and is widely known for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and immunity-boosting properties. ✅ 100% USDA Certified ✅ Promotes Healthy Skin ✅ Anti-bacterial Properties
  • Boost your attention and enhance your productivity with the refreshing and earthy goodness of the best organic essential oils in the USA with our Focus Essential Oil Blend. Reduce distractions and discover an all-new level of concentration at school or work with this carefully crafted oil mix selected from the best natural ingredients. ✅ USDA certified ✅ Increases Concentration ✅ Relieves Bone & Muscle Pain
  • Liven up your spirits and clear your thoughts with the vibrant and floral aroma of the all-natural geranium essential fragrance oil. Besides being a favorite among perfumers for its crisp and rosy scent, geranium oil is also rich in health benefits such as anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, mood-enhancing, and insect-repelling characteristics. ✅ USDA certified ✅ Antimicrobial Properties ✅ Stress-relieving
  • Step into the spicy, woody, and energizing aura of ginger, prepared from all natural organic essential oils. The ultimate multi-tasker when it comes to wellness gains, ginger oil is helpful for better digestion, treating nausea, boosting immunity, promoting healthier skin and hair, and a lot more. ✅ USDA certified ✅ Aids digestion ✅ Natural skin and hair care

While you browse and buy essential fragrance oils online, take a look into the basics of essential oil aromas, how to use them, and their various mixing and blending options.

Understanding Fragrance Essential Oils

Essential oils for fragrance, in simple terms, are those that have a unique and distinctive scent of their plant sources like leaves, flowers, stems, fruit rinds, and the like. They are called essential as they retain the natural essence and characteristics of the source. While they have been used in perfumes and home remedies since ancient times, fragrance oils have gained immense popularity in recent times due to their aromatherapy benefits and other applications.

2. How We Prepare Them

Our guarantee at N8 Essentials is to bring you USDA-certified essential oils for fragrance, extracted from 100% plant-based sources and devoid of any harmful chemical or artificial preservative.

Premium Ingredients – Only carefully selected and ‘certified organic’ plant sources from the US and neighboring countries go into the making of our essential oils. We are committed to matching the most modern procedures with our steady resolve for sustainable and eco-friendly practices.

First-rate Extraction Tech – After the raw materials have been inspected meticulously, we subject them to extraction methods like cold pressing and steam distillation to filter out their oil-producing compounds.

Careful Quality Testing – We then test each batch of fragrance oils multiple times for quality and purity before packaging and sending them to you.

3. What are Essential Oil Aroma Notes?

Fragrance oils can be distinguished by their primary aroma notes. It is the feature that sets the oil apart from others and determines how long it lasts. The three primary notes are top, middle, and base notes. Some can also have more than one note, giving them an intense, full-bodied aroma that stands out. However, while buying essential oils for fragrance, you need to consider the primary notes of oils that override the others.

3.1 Top Notes

These oils are highly volatile and evaporate more quickly than others. This means they have the most intense initial scent that fills any space and also dissipates fairly quickly. They have a crisp, fresh, and uplifting aroma with a relaxing vibe. Common essential oils with top notes include bergamot, clary sage, basil, lemon, grapefruit, eucalyptus, cypress, and wintergreen.

3.2 Middle or Body Notes

These oils become noticeable just as the top notes start to fade. Soft and smooth, middle notes strike the perfect balance between top and base notes, reducing the intensity of piercing or disagreeable scents, to create an all round aromatic experience. These oils are not as volatile as ones with top notes, while not as long-lasting as the ones with base notes. Popular essential fragrance oils with middle notes are black pepper, cedarwood, jasmine, juniper, geranium, clove, thyme, marjoram, rosemary, and oregano.

3.3 Base or Fixative Notes

These fragrance oils take the longest to evaporate and have a lasting scent as they are the least volatile in nature. They have a rich and luxurious aroma that lingers even after hours of application. Oils known for base notes include patchouli, vetiver, sandalwood, frankincense, ylang ylang, ginger, and jasmine.

4. Know Your Essential Oil Fragrances

Based on their unique fragrances, essential oils can be classified under several aroma families that you need to know before you buy essential fragrance oils online in USA. We have discussed the most common categories of fragrances below.

4.1 Citrus Oils

The citrus family is the most obvious place to start as we all know which oils belong to this group. Fruit-based oils like lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit, and tangerine are the most common examples. They have a fruity and zesty aroma with sweet and sour notes that help create an uplifting and energizing ambiance.

Blending Tip: You can blend citrus essential oils with any other aroma family for exciting fragrances. But try them with woody, spicy, and floral oils for the best results.

4.2 Floral Oils

As the name suggests, these oils are derived from flower-based sources and smell just like them – sweet, refreshing, and uplifting. Popular floral oils include jasmine, geranium, lavender, rose, neroli, ylang ylang, and chamomile. Floral oils are considered classic and timeless, making them highly sought-after essential oils for fragrance. They have a comforting and relaxing influence on the mind and help clear negative thoughts and balance emotions.

4.3 Herbaceous Oils

Herbaceous oils can be described as having scents that are ‘green’ and ‘grassy’, reminding you of plants and herbs. They have a slightly floral and invigorating aroma you associate with lush, green leaves and grass. The most widely preferred herbaceous fragrance oils include clary sage, sweet fennel, thyme, rosemary, tea tree, melissa, marjoram, eucalyptus, oregano, bay leaf, and parsley.

Blending Tip: Floral oils pair well with woody, spicy, and citrus essential fragrance oils.

4.4 Camphoraceous Oils

These oils possess strong and intense scents and are known for multiple aromatherapy applications and wellness benefits. They render an energizing and rejuvenating vibe, helping your respiratory and muscular functioning. The most prominent camphoraceous oils are camphor, cajeput, eucalyptus, laurel leaf, and pennyroyal.

Blending Tip: These oils blend well with citrus, woody, herbaceous, and earthy families of oils.

4.5 Minty Oils

Minty essential oils have a sharp menthol-like aroma that fills any space with a refreshing and cooling aura. They have a wide range of applications in aromatherapy and are helpful in soothing stress, anxiety, and fatigue. Popular oils in this category include spearmint, peppermint, tea tree, and wintergreen.

Blending Tip: Similar to camphoraceous oils, minty oils also pair well together with herbaceous, woody, citrus, and earthy oils.

4.6 Spicy Oils

These oils take you right back to the kitchen or a spice garden with their warm and intense aroma. With strong scents, spicy essential oils are effective in stimulating energy and boosting focus. The most prominent spicy organic oils include aniseed, black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, cumin, clove, coriander, and nutmeg.

Blending Tip: Spicy oils go well with woody, citrusy, and floral categories of essential oil fragrances.

4.7 Resinous or Musky Oils

Musky oils give off deep and rich scents that are smoky, earthy, and woody. They have an alluring and long-lasting impact that remains for hours after use, making them ideal for meditation and spiritual sessions. Common oils from this family are benzoin, frankincense, myrrh, elemi, and Peru balsam.

Blending Tip: These oils are best paired with floral and citrus categories of essential oil aromas.

4.8 Woody and Earthy Oils

These oils have warm and lingering scents that can remind you of a dense forest or wetlands. Their fragrances are soft, masculine, and grounding. The most common woody essential oils include sandalwood, cedarwood, pine, fir, rosewood, patchouli,  cypress, and vetiver. These oils help you clear your thoughts, balance emotions, and increase concentration and focus.

Blending Tip: Just like citrus oils, woody oils pair well with most other aroma families, but blend particularly well with herbaceous, camphoraceous, floral, and citrus oils.

5. How to Use Our Essential Fragrance Oils

Perfume: Add a few drops of our best essential oils for fragrance and create unique new DIY perfume blends that stand apart.

Diffusing: Diffuse the essential oils of your choice in your surroundings, at home, or in your car to enjoy multiple aromatherapy advantages and general wellness benefits. Enjoy a deeply relaxing and refreshing vibe that improves clarity of mind and concentration. Try them in our top-notch essential oil diffusers for the best results.

Topical Application: Dilute your preferred essential fragrance oils with suitable carrier oils such as fractionated coconut, jojoba, or sweet almond oil and apply to your skin and body to enjoy brighter and nourished skin.

Custom Blends: Mix and match fragrance oils to create fresh new blends for DIY room fresheners, cleaners, and sanitizers. You can also diffuse these oils during meditation or spiritual sessions.

6. Points to Remember While Using Essential Oils

Please note that our N8 Essentials products should be used only as directed on the label. Also, keep the following in mind.

  • Do not take our pure organic essential oils orally or ingest them. These oils are meant for external use only.
  • While using them in diffusers, make sure that your surroundings are ventilated properly.
  • Before using them extensively on your skin, conduct a patch test. Apply a couple of diluted drops to a small patch of your skin and check for irritations and allergies.
  • Take your physician’s advice before using essential oils for fragrance if you are pregnant, nursing, or under medical treatment.

Let us discuss some of the usual questions you can face while you select and buy essential fragrance oils online in USA.

7. FAQs

Which essential oil is best for home fragrance?

If you are looking to buy best essential oils for home fragrance online in USA, check out our eucalyptus, geranium, lemon, patchouli, lemongrass, cedarwood, and grapefruit oils.

Which essential oil is best as perfume?

You can pair, mix, and match various floral, musky, and citrus essential oils to create unique new DIY perfumes and colognes that stand out from the rest.

Which essential oil fragrance lasts the longest?

Generally, essential oils from the citrus and floral aroma families contain top notes and are the fastest to evaporate. Woody and resinous oils have base notes and are the slowest to evaporate, rendering a deep and long-lasting fragrance.

Do organic essential fragrance oils expire?

Yes, all essential oils will expire at some point. Check the product label for the dates of manufacture and expiry. With proper storage and care, you can make them last a long time. Keep them in cool and dry places and avoid direct contact with heat and sunlight. Also, make sure to seal the bottle or spray tightly after each use.

Are pure essential oils safe to use on the skin?

No, do not bring our pure organic essential oils in direct contact with your skin without diluting them. Add a few drops of the essential oils of your choice with carrier oil bases such as olive, sweet almond, or jojoba, and then apply it to your skin. Start with a couple of drops on a small patch of your skin and check for allergies and irritations.

How do I know which essential oils are pure?

To check an essential oil for purity and quality, pour a drop on a piece of paper. If the oil evaporates quickly without leaving a mark, it can be considered pure. But if it leaves a mark on the paper, probably, it is not 100% pure and vegetable oils have been mixed into it.


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