Organic Essential Oils

Buy Pure Organic Essential Oils In USA

Embrace the healing and nourishing capabilities of Mother Nature with the best quality organic essential oils in USA. At N8 Essentials, we are committed to merging the aromatherapy and wellness advantages to bring you premium potions that you can carry and use on the go.


  • Also called the ‘Queen of Herbs’, the basil plant is known for its medicinal as well as culinary uses. Made from USDA certified essential oils, the N8 Essentials Sweet Basil Essential Oil not only has a sweet and herbaceous fragrance but is also effective in reducing muscle pains, ensuring better sleep, moisturizing skin, and a lot more. ✅100% Organic And Natural Basil Oil ✅Best For Skin Care ✅Effective Deodorizer
  • The Bergamot Essential oil is 100% pure, natural, and certified organic essential oil obtained from the zest of the fresh bergamot fruit. Its citrus and fresh aroma make it suitable for use in aromatherapy to reduce stress and promote relaxation. ✅ USDA Certified Essential Oil ✅ Better Wellness ✅ Improves Skin Health
  • Unlock the grounding and soothing aroma of cedarwood made from the best essential oils for fragrance. Derived from the bark of the cedarwood tree, this essential oil is sought after for its purifying and calming properties. Try out this 15 ml bottle and experience the freshness of nature on the go. ✅ High Quality Organic Essential Oils ✅ Promotes Healthy Skin ✅ Ideal For Stress Relief
  • Bring home this magical remedy to add to your skincare routine and combat skin problems like rashes, inflammation, etc. Our Clary Sage essential oil is made with certified organic essential oils and has excellent skin-nourishing properties. ✅ Promise of Purity ✅ Supports Skin Health ✅ Sweet and Fresh Fragrance
  • Experience the strong and spicy scent of our Clove organic essential oil which is extracted from the clove buds and is rich in healing properties. Try this oil to improve your oral health, and skin health, and get relief from back pain and achy muscles. ✅ USDA Certified Organic Essential Oil ✅ Powerful Antioxidant ✅ Premium Quality Clove Oil
  • Dive into Mother Nature's herbaceous and spicy freshness with our Cypress essential fragrance oil. Extracted from the best quality cypress trees, this oil is known for its antimicrobial and relaxing properties. It is also effective in promoting healthy respiration and for treating skin irritations. ✅ 100% USDA certified ✅ Antibacterial properties ✅ Promotes skin health
  • Discover the crisp and revitalizing goodness of Eucalyptus Riadata, made from the best essential oils in the USA. Extracted from the leaves of the Eucalyptus Riadata tree, this oil has a fruity and slightly woody fragrance and is widely known for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and immunity-boosting properties. ✅ 100% USDA Certified ✅ Promotes Healthy Skin ✅ Anti-bacterial Properties
  • Liven up your spirits and clear your thoughts with the vibrant and floral aroma of the all-natural geranium essential fragrance oil. Besides being a favorite among perfumers for its crisp and rosy scent, geranium oil is also rich in health benefits such as anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, mood-enhancing, and insect-repelling characteristics. ✅ USDA certified ✅ Antimicrobial Properties ✅ Stress-relieving
  • Step into the spicy, woody, and energizing aura of ginger, prepared from all natural organic essential oils. The ultimate multi-tasker when it comes to wellness gains, ginger oil is helpful for better digestion, treating nausea, boosting immunity, promoting healthier skin and hair, and a lot more. ✅ USDA certified ✅ Aids digestion ✅ Natural skin and hair care
  • Revitalize your day with the sweet, fresh, and citrusy aroma of grapefruit, made with all natural organic essential oils. Grapefruit oil is widely regarded as one of the most effective options for uplifting spirits, enhancing mood, and relieving anxiety and stress. It also has several skincare and general wellness benefits. ✅ USDA certified ✅ Relieves stress ✅ Boosts mental clarity
  • Infuse new life into your surroundings with the herbal and fruity essence of Juniper, prepared with the best quality essential oils. Extracted from the juniper berry, this oil has a wide range of applications in aromatherapy, skincare, disinfecting, and cleaning purposes. ✅ USDA Certified ✅ Skincare Benefits ✅ Natural Antiseptic
  • Immerse yourself in the sweet and replenishing aura of Lavender, formulated with all-natural essential fragrance oils. Lavender oil has a floral, herbaceous, and woody aroma that soothes stress, anxiety, and seasonal depression, promoting relaxation and mental clarity. ✅ USDA Certified ✅ Anxiety and stress relief ✅ Supports skin health

Organic Essential Oils

Before you choose and buy all natural organic essential oils online in USA, we suggest that you take a detailed look at their different types, uses, and benefits. But first, let’s discuss what exactly organic essential oils are.

1.1 What are Organic Essential Oils?

Referred to as ‘organic’ and ‘essential’ because of their potency in capturing the natural essence and benefits of their plant-based raw materials, these oils have been extracted and used for their aromatic, medical, and other applications for centuries.

Organic essential oils are basically pure plant concentrates that encapsulate the aromatic, medicinal, and other properties of their plant-based sources such as stems, leaves, flowers, rinds, and so on. They can be classified further as fragrance oils, insect and pest-repellent oils, and essential oils for home remedies.

1.2 How We Make Our Organic Oils

All our products at N8 Essentials are prepared using USDA certified organic essential oils, following the most advanced and sustainable processes.

Selecting Premium Ingredients – Only the best quality plant-based materials from select plantations in the US go into the making of our essential oils. Our determination for eco-friendly cultivation and extraction processes matches the quality of our offerings.

Best Extraction Methods – We use modern and sustainable extraction and filtration techniques like steam distillation and cold pressing to filter out the oil-rich compounds of plant parts such as stems, leaves, fruits, flowers, and so on.

Detailed Quality Checking – Every batch of oil is taken through a round of meticulous testing processes and checked for purity and quality before they are brought to you.

2. Discover the Best Organic Essential Oils

Explore our wide range of products and buy high quality organic essential oils online in USA and enjoy multiple wellness benefits and other advantages. Let’s explore the different oils and their capabilities.

2.1 Stress and Anxiety

In today’s fast-paced lifestyle, stress, fatigue, and anxiety can take a toll on your mental wellness and performance at work or studies. Most individuals with such symptoms take the help of alternative and herbal medicine to alleviate their conditions. Contemporary research has also proven to be beneficial in inducing calmness and peace of mind. If you are looking to buy essential oils for depression and anxiety online in USA, check out our grapefruit, orange, sandalwood, lemongrass, ylang ylang, vetiver, clary sage, frankincense, and lavender organic oils. Use our Tranquil Certified Organic Blend for all-around relief from anxiety and stress.

2.2 Promoting Sleep

Some essential oils can also promote deep and long-lasting, giving relief from sleeplessness and insomnia. You can diffuse essential oils such as sandalwood, lavender, bergamot, cedarwood, marjoram, and ylang ylang organic oils at 60, 120, or 180-minute intervals to enjoy sound and satisfying sleep. Try them in our best diffusers for essential oils for superior results.

2.3 Boosting Immunity

Various essential oils have been known and used in medicines for their antimicrobial capabilities and to aid the body’s natural ability to fight diseases and infections. Some of the best antibacterial essential oils include tea tree, cedarwood, eucalyptus, lavender, lemon, orange, ginger, lemongrass, and rosemary essential oils. Also, try our Protect Essential Oil Blend for an added boost to your immunity.

2.4 Skin and Hair Care

Organic essential oils are known far and wide and have been used for centuries for their efficacy in skin and hair care. Apply them topically to your skin after diluting them with carrier oil bases such as coconut, sweet almond, or jojoba to enjoy their skincare benefits. You can also mix them into your daily hair care products for a healthy scalp and stronger hair.

While you shop essential oils for skin and body care, do try our cedarwood, sandalwood, clary sage, thyme, rosemary, lavender, eucalyptus, bergamot, and sweet basil organic oils.

2.5 Anti-inflammatory and Pain Relief

You can dilute and apply essential oils like rosemary, peppermint, wintergreen, cypress, clove, eucalyptus, frankincense, and clary sage to soothe cramped muscles and aching joints and limbs. Check out our Muscle AId Essential Oil Blend for an ultimate soothing and relieving experience.

2.6 Antibacterial and Antimicrobial

You can use a wide range of organic essential oils for their antibacterial and antifungal capabilities which are potent in purifying and sanitizing surfaces and rooms. They also have multiple health and wellness advantages when used externally. The best essential oils for antibacterial and anti-microbial properties include lemon, lemongrass, lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus, ginger, cinnamon, thyme, and rosemary.

2.7 Insect and Pest Repellent

Besides filling up spaces with intense and refreshing fragrances, some essential oils also possess pest and insect-repellent properties, keeping away insects such as mosquitoes, ticks, bugs, and ants. The best essential oils for bug bites and pest repellents are citronella, cedarwood, lemongrass, thyme, geranium, sweet basil, and bergamot. Try our all natural Trekker Insect Spray and Trekker Insect Lotion to make your outdoor adventures pest-free.

3. How To Use Essential Oils

Diffuser: Diffuse your favorite essential oils in your car or room to experience a relaxing and calming influence on your mind and soothe symptoms of anxiety and seasonal depression.

External Application: After diluting the essential oil of your choice with a carrier oil base like sweet almond, coconut, or olive, apply it externally to your kin to experience their healing and nourishing characteristics.

Pain Relief: Dilute the relevant essential oils and massage them on your joints and muscles to soothe pain, swelling, and discomfort. Try our Nature’s Relief Essential Oil Blend for an elevated experience.

Bathing: Mix a few drops of skin care essential oils into your bathwater and enjoy a natural nourishing and repairing effect on your skin.

Hair Care: Add a couple of drops of organic oils such as cedarwood, lavender, rosemary, clary sage, thyme, tea tree, and lemongrass to your shampoo, serum, or conditioner to promote scalp health and fortified hair.

4. Important Points To Keep In Mind

All our essential oils are to be used only as instructed on the product labels. Make sure you keep the following in mind while using essential oils.

  • Our pure organic essential oils are for external use only. Do not take them orally.
  • Keep the bottles and other accessories out of the reach of your children.
  • While using essential oils in diffusers, make sure that your surroundings are properly ventilated.
  • Before widespread use, do a patch test first. Apply a few diluted drops to a small area of your skin and check for irritation and allergies.
  • Do not use organic essential oils without your doctor’s approval if you are pregnant, nursing, or under medical treatment.

Here are some questions you may encounter while you buy organic essential oils in USA and neighboring countries.

5. FAQs

Which essential oils are certified organic?

Essential oils that have been tested by and approved by the USDA as ‘100% organic’ are considered certified organic essential oils. Buy USDA certified organic essential oils online at the N8 Essentials store now.

Are 100% essential oils safe to use on the skin?

No, all our N8 essential oils are pure and organic and should not be brought in direct contact with your skin or taken orally. Dilute them with suitable carrier oil bases before applying them to your skin and joints.

Which essential oils are best for the skin?

Lavender, chamomile, sandalwood, geranium, rosemary, clary sage, lemongrass, tea tree, and cinnamon are among the best essential oils for skin and body care. Visit the N8 Essentials store and buy best essential oils for skin online in USA and get them delivered to your doorstep.

Do organic essential oils expire?

All essential oils will expire at some point in time. However, with proper care and storage, you can make them last even longer than the approved date. Store your essential oils in cool and dry places, preferably in a dark bottle away from direct heat and sunlight. Also, seal the bottle tightly when not in use.

Are essential oils safe for children and pets?

Essential oils should not be applied to or diffused in the presence of infants below the age of three and pets during their younger years. Consult your doctor before using them if you are under medical treatment, pregnant, or nursing.


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